Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nearly 30 years ago, on the piano man's 18Th wedding anniversary, a unique situation
was being developed. Three well-versed jazz musicians congregated at a ranch house
basement recording studio on Beatrice Street in Livonia Michigan to document all of the
piano man's original tunes (all at that time) by performing them without rehearsals, without
second takes, without any audio enhancements, and improvising solos based on the
feelings created in the moment.
With the exception of the piano man/composer (Bob Szajner) neither the bass man
(Ray McKinney), nor the drummer (Roy Brooks), ever saw or heard the compositions before.
The tape rolled and the arrangements, improvisations, ensemble performances, and
variations were all created at the exact time of pickup by microphone on the analog tape.
What transpired next was a marathon of the performance and documentation by recorded
tapes of 27 selections with various moods, tempos, and formats --all done in the span of
5-6 hours.
The 27 tracks from that recording session produced three vinyl LP albums released in
1980 as a 3 record set on RMS Records "The Bob Szajner Triad" (RMS10088). They are
now available in CD format as individual records ---"Jazz Opus 20/40" (SSH77002),
"Sound Ideas" (SSH77003), and "Afterthoughts" (SSH77004)-- all on RMS Records.

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